

AI-powered Patent Searching

What is SearchLITE?

The common man’s patentability search tool to find existing inventions.

Uses AI and Deep learning algorithms to convert your keywords & technology concepts into complex search strings

Analyze the results of a patent search and go back to the drawing board before it’s too late.

Powered by Patseer’s patent data of more than 136 million patents worldwide

How it works?

STEP 1: Enter basic details of your invention (Title, Summary, Problem Solved etc.)

STEP 2: SearchLITE converts it into keywords or technological concepts. A User can select or deselect these keywords.

STEP 3: SearchLITE AI algorithm scans millions of worldwide patent data.

STEP 4: SearchLITE shows you top matching patent results. A User can analyze or download these results.

STEP 5: Go for a premium version to further refine results or to download an auto-generated search report.

Why you need a patent search?

✔ After the “Eureka! moment”, many inventors want to dive straight into the application process. Assumption is that since their creation isn’t already on the market, then it must automatically meet said requirements. It is not that simple!

✔ The invention must be new, useful, non-obvious, and subject matter eligible.

✔ Filing a patent application is more expensive than conducting a patent search.

✔ Patentability search gives you technology insights and prevents you from spending time and money on already existing solutions.

Why SearchLITE?

Simple and super easy to use!

Atleast 10x faster than a manual patent search

5x-10x affordable

De-duplication of similar inventions (i.e. one result per patent family)

Language Supported: English

Comprehensive Auto-Generated Report (Premium Version)

Who should use SearchLITE?

In-house R&D Teams

Individual Inventors

Patent Attorneys

IP Firms



40 Credits for Premium Version (Coming Soon!)

Your virtual assistant to quickly check if your invention is patentable or not.

You have an idea and you want to know if someone has already worked on it? Look for existing solutions, review the results & generate a report with just a few clicks!

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Frequently Asked Questions

I use another patent search tool or database already. How does searchLITE compare with it?

As a policy we do not give any comparison with any other tool or database nor comment on any other product. searchLITE is a Patent Search tool powered by PATSEER’s 130+ million of worldwide patent data and a very powerful patent language processing engine. Many of our users are extremely pleased with its intuitiveness and capabilities. We welcome new users to try it out and make a comparison themselves.

Can I trust the data coverage you have claimed?

SearchLITE (and PatSeer) gives a very high importance to data quality and coverage. To ensure you have access to gap-free high quality data we have tied up with partners that have many decades of experience in providing high quality data such as IFI Claims, EPO and other patent offices. Our unique data integration and indexing process involves manual verification each week to make sure that records don’t get missed out.

How frequently do you update the database?

The database is updated multiple times each week with the new records that are published in that week. In addition to patent text data we also update the following data for existing records each week – Legal Status information, Family Information, Reclassification information, US Maintenance and Reassignments information.

What is the difference between Free and Premium editions?

A free user can perform a patent search and only see top 200 results after entering details of your invention. These 200 results can also be exported in an Excel Spreadsheet.

A Premium user can access top 1000 results for an invention. Also the results are further refined by our algorithm to provide very high accuracy (more than 80%). Also, a premium user can generate an automatic search report in a Word Document in just a few clicks.

Can we export the records?

searchLITE provides a feature of exporting patent data in Excel format for free users and in both Excel & Word formats for Premium users.